National Storytelling Week fun!
See what pre-school have been up to…
We are very excited that following the help of our work experience student we have launched our new Pre-school website. Please take a look! RISE Pre-Schools | Pre-Schools in Chippenham
“Pre-school loved their visit from ‘Mrs Carrot’ today on National Carrot Day. The children even came up with words that can start with the letters of carrot! 😊 C – carrot, crocodile A – apple, alligator R – rabbit, rooster R – red, rat O – orange, olive T – tomato, tiger
In June, Victoria Nye kindly chose The RISE youth mentoring service as her designated charity for her open gardens at Cadenham Manor, Foxham. The gardens were stunning, and many people came to look round, take in a cup of tea and a slice of cake. The day raised more than £4,000!! Thank you so…