RISE Pre-School @ The Oaks

The Oaks
SN15 1DU

Telephone 01249 463040
Mobile 07545 426 007

Pre-School Manager – Debbie White
Email:  debbiew@therisetrust.org

Website: https://risepreschools.org/


RISE Pre-school welcome information June 2024

EEC Registration form- Oaks

What it’s like in our Pre-School

To stimulate our 3 to 4 year olds a variety of carefully thought out areas are set up, that are well resourced to attract early learning and promote all areas of their development. all staff are trained to ensure that our curriculum is based on Five to Thrive principles, understanding that a child’s brain grows better when you do five simple things… respond, relax, engage, play and talk.

We provide a hot cooked lunchtime meal and snacks within your session fee for all children. All lunches are freshly prepared every day. We also promote independence by encouraging children to choose and serve their own snacks.

We believe all children and young people are entitled to the best possible educational provision, and we want them to:

  • achieve their best by preparing them effectively for continued educational success.
  • become resilient and confident individuals with the life skills to enable them to live fulfilling lives.
  • Physical
  • Knowledge understanding of the world
  • Numeracy
  • Communication and language
  • Creative
  • Social and emotional

Staff and volunteers work with the children within the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.  This supports children in their earliest years right up to when they have completed their first year (Reception class) at primary school.  We will be happy to show you the framework and explain how we use it;  please ask.


We will happily feedback at the end of your child’s session, to inform you of your child’s:

  • Achievements
  • Progress
  • Any other information about their day including eating, sleep and nappy routine

Once a term we will get special visitors to attend such as;

  • Dental Health
  • Library
  • PCSOs
  • RISE young people
  • School staff

Ask us for more information about these events.

RISE Pre-School @ The Oaks