We have one pre-school based in Chippenham at The Oaks, SN15 1DU.
It provides childcare for pre-school children and is run and managed by experienced leaders with outstanding expertise in early childhood education and supporting families. Our pre-school is staffed by highly trained and well qualified staff who regularly improve their skills and knowledge by undertaking professional training and by carrying out detailed observations of children in order to plan for improved outcomes.
In addition, our pre-school is fully integrated with our Trust provisions. Families who are fortunate enough to have their children attend our pre-school will benefit from all of the RISE services and staff. Our staff are MECC trained, Making Every Contact Count, and we pride ourselves in providing care not only for your child but also the whole family – we are here to listen…
Pre-School Manager – Debbie White
Email: debbiew@therisetrust.org
Website: https://risepreschools.org/