Please do not buy or use these products… Baby self-feeding pillow products are designed to be attached to a bottle so that the baby may be positioned on its back to self-feed without the assistance of a caregiver holding the bottle and controlling the feed. This is inconsistent with NHS guidance in relation to safe…


The RISE Trust is celebrating Volunteers Week 2022 Volunteers’ Week is a time to say thanks for the contribution millions of people make across the UK through volunteering.  Here at The RISE Trust we would like to join in and recognise the fantastic contribution our own volunteers make. Take a look at what volunteering could…

Castle Combe Car Boot Sale 2022

Thank you to Castle Combe Circuit for giving us the opportunity of receiving entry donations for their car boot sale on Sunday, 10th April. We raised an amazing £873! This was only achievable by dedicated staff volunteering their time in addition to some of their family members helping out too! This money will benefit the…